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EGP 850

Magnetic Therapy Waist Lumbar Belt حزام مغناطيسي للظهر والبطن

Downtown Cairo, Cairo
3 weeks ago
TypeBelts - Tights
حزام مغناطيسي للظهر والبطن Lower-Back Magnetic Therapy Waist Lumbar Support Belt with Support Braces. Breathable Mesh Steel Plates Protection Sport Belt Features: 1. High elastic fiber cloth, fine texture, soft handle. 2. Vented and breathable elastic side panels. 3. Adjustable Neoprene double pull braces. 4. Nano infrared thermal acupuncture dot matrix. 5. Magnetic therapy increase blood flow and help relief pain associated with joint and back problems. 6. Magnetic effect helping to relax muscles and reduces fatigue. 7. Supporting the waist to maintain a good posture. 8. Have some effects on belly-fat loss and being slim in some way. Suitable for: 1. People who has health problems like protrusion of lumbar vertebral disc, sciatica and/or lumbar hyperosteogeny. 2. People whose waist needs to keep warm. 3. People who always work sedentarily or in a prolonged standing position such as drivers, office workers, Security Guards and Receptionists. 4. Athletes or people doing regular exercises.
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