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EGP 25,000

Meguiars Dual Action Polisher Version 2 (Made in USA)

Shorouk City, Cairo
6 days ago
TypeCleaning Kit
PRODUCT DETAIL Meguiars G220 v2 Dual Action Polisher Whether youre a seasoned professional or a casual user who demands show quality, swirl-free results, this is the tool for you. The Meguiars G220 v2 Dual Action Polisher greatly reduces the amount of time it takes to apply paint cleaners, polishes and wax and produces results far superior to applying these products by hand. And because of its dual action-rotation and orbit-you never have to worry about damaging the paint (pad not included). Specs: Cruise Control - automatically kicks in when DA senses pressure Cruise Control - allows for more even, better cutting / polishing action 6 speeds - 2760 to 6900 RPM Easy side ports allows for changing carbon brushes without opening up machine Elongated case for better balancing & smoother polishing action 220-240v (UK voltage) dual action polisher 650w motor Weight: 5kgs Backing plate diameter: 4.75" / 120mm
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