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Office For Sale 47 Sqm Trivium Zayed Mall El Sheikh Zayed Fully Finished With ACs 0
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EGP 5,650,000

Office For Sale 47 Sqm Trivium Zayed Mall El Sheikh Zayed Fully Finished With ACs

Trivium Zayed, Sheikh Zayed
7 hours ago
TypeOffice Space
Area (m²)47
Payment OptionCash
Completion statusReady
Covered Parking
Clinic or Office for Sale Ultra Super Lux Trivium Mall Zayed Facing Al Bustan Street Area: 47 m Room + Reception + Bathroom Central Air Conditioning Required: 5,650,000 Trivium Mall Services Trivium Mall provides basic and entertainment services to provide exceptional service to customers, by providing the following services: Modern security systems and surveillance cameras to provide the best protection for customers, in addition to the spread of security personnel inside the mall. The presence of restaurants and cafes that serve delicious food and drinks that help attract customers to the mall. Electric elevators for easy movement in the mall, and to prevent congestion on the stairs. Central air conditioning to work in a suitable atmosphere, and to provide central Wi-Fi. A conference hall and meeting rooms for rent equipped with the latest modern technology. A garage for cars that can accommodate 163 cars to preserve cars and prevent congestion. Stairs designated for people with special needs, and special places to park their cars. A wide sidewalk in front of the mall with seats, places and waiting services. Periodic maintenance of all units and services in the mall to ensure the smooth running of work and continued production. 3 private entrances to the mall to prevent congestion at the gates. Water bodies and green spaces to enjoy the picturesque views in front of the mall.
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Ad id 501258824
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