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Office for sale in One Ninety 178 m prime location 0
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EGP 29,851,000

Office for sale in One Ninety 178 m prime location

One Ninety Compound, New Cairo
1 day ago
TypeOffice Space
Area (m²)178
Payment OptionInstallment
Completion statusReady
Delivery Date13
Air ConditioningSecurityStorage
Office for sale in One Ninety, delivery 2027 Prime location  Office Area : 178 sqm.     Core and shell Down payment : 7,200,000 Remaining: 22,650,000 Total Unit price : 29,851,000 Maintenance : 1,954,750 ----------------------------------------------------------- ALLOCATE REAL ESTATE Your new workplace should inspire you, with flexible and cost-effective office spaces for startups looking to expand, spaces designed to help your company succeed in a unique environment. Choose an office in one of our vibrant and exciting New Cairo offices, or in more than 250 group work spaces. Equipped with the latest technology and designed for your success. ALLOCATE understand how quickly things can change too, which is why our rates are reasonable, and contracts are flexible, whether you're scaling your business or discovering your new place of business. Integrated consulting and guidance based on updated market information and fundamentals using the latest technological means. Our mission is to provide the best well-trained real estate consultants, in an effort to provide a distinguished and exclusive service to keep customers informed of the latest market updates, as well as help them exploit the best investment opportunities through our advanced marketing strategies. In addition to increasing opportunities for expansion in various real estate fields by providing the opportunity for people with the right skills to achieve not only rapid growth, but also profitable and make them their own bosses without having to deal with the difficult initial stages of running their business. ALLOCATE all real estate services in some of the most luxurious and authentic neighborhoods in Cairo and Maadi, New Cairo, Katameya Heights, Mirage City, Arabella Our company is committed to providing you with the best services including (renting - selling - buying - appraisal - appraiser). Whatever your desire, if you need it semi-furnished or fully finished
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