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EGP 48,000


New Cairo, Cairo
1 year ago
Zero Gravity The zero gravity position (126 degrees +/- 7 degrees), where your knees are elevated in parallel with your heart, is the ergonomically correct resting position. This is the undisputedly perfect position to enjoy a massage because this is when pressure on your body, especially on your spine and back, is at its minimum. Zero Wall The space-saving chair features a design that needs a zero gap against the wall, whereby the front of the chair slides out when reclined, and effectively occupying minimal space at the rear. Rocking Function Ogawa MYsofa is designed with a light rocking modem, which replicates natural motions of a cradle to soothe and calm your body. Feel like a baby while you enjoy your massage! Surround Sound Connect your mobile phone or digital music player for a more immersive massage experience. Airbags The 4 airbags -2 fitted on each side of your hips- can effortlessly shape your waist and lift your hips Precise Massages Enjoy full control over the massage functions to your liking with specific functions such as spot massage and partial back massage. Oscillating Function Specialized vibrating function focuses on your calves and immediately relieves sore gastrocnemius muscles.
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