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Pharmacy for sale in a prime location in Sheikh Zayed, next to Zed Park Compound 0
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EGP 15,000,000

Pharmacy for sale in a prime location in Sheikh Zayed, next to Zed Park Compound

Sheikh Zayed, Giza
3 hours ago
Area (m²)65
Payment OptionCash
Completion statusReady
Air ConditioningCovered Parking
Details: Pharmacy Pharmacy for sale in Sheikh Zayed inside a compound 65 meters, two floors (the pharmacy has a share in the land) Above it is a medical center with 3 clinics and can be increased There is a payment facility over a year The sale includes goods, finishing and equipment 17 million required Or it can be sold empty for 15 million The owner of the pharmacy will rent it for 50 thousand per month from the buyer To contact me on WhatsApp: (View phone number) ------------------------------------------- Strategic location: Sheikh Zayed City is considered one of the most developed areas in Greater Cairo, making it an attractive destination for investors. The excellent geographical location contributes to attracting a large number of residents and visitors. Continuous demand for health services: There is always a continuous demand for medicines and health services in any residential area, and Sheikh Zayed City is no exception. This ensures the sustainability of demand for pharmacies. Increased population growth: As the population of Sheikh Zayed City increases, the demand for pharmacies and health services also increases, providing greater opportunities for growth and profitability. High standard of living: The city is considered an upscale area, which means that there is a segment of the population that can afford high-quality medicines and health services. To contact me on WhatsApp: (View phone number)
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