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Receive your apartment immediately with a special private garden, super deluxe finishing, in the most upscale areas of Reha 0
EGP 8,500,000

Receive your apartment immediately with a special private garden, super deluxe finishing, in the most upscale areas of Reha

Rehab City Compound, New Cairo
3 months ago
Area (m²)145
Payment OptionCash
BalconySecurityCovered ParkingPets Allowed
Receive your apartment immediately with a special private garden, super deluxe finishing, in the most upscale areas of Rehab Rehab City --- Phase 5 Apartment area: 145 meters + private garden: 50 meters 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms Double view east and west Super deluxe finishing by the company Price: . 8,5000,00 cash Seize the opportunity to be close to all services and facilities in a quiet and safe area, with a distinctive view on the east and west sides that provides natural lighting throughout the day! Rehab is a residential neighborhood located in New Cairo City, east of Cairo Governorate, Egypt. It is considered the first integrated residential city established by the private sector in Egypt. Rehab is located on the Suez Desert Road and is 15 minutes away from Nasr City and Heliopolis. The city is divided into ten phases (neighborhoods), each on an area of ​​220 acres. The city is located on an area of ​​10 square kilometers and can accommodate approximately 200 thousand people. It began in October 1997 and construction is still ongoing, with four phases remaining to be completed. The project owner is Talaat Moustafa Group Real Estate.
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