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EGP 13,000

Regulator Aqualung Calypso

Hurghada, Red Sea
18 hours ago
Price TypeNegotiable
TypeWater Sports
Selling my complete Regulator Calypso, Aqualung. Great condition, because it was rarely used just in vacation. Service made regularly and it's ready to dive. I also accept InstaPay & can be shipped to any place in Egypt. 1st stage The Calypso is compact, easy to pack and easy to store. The high-flow piston technology ensures excellent reliability and high performance. Enjoy more stable medium pressure out thanks to the large diameter piston. Designed with large holes in end caps for easy cleaning and better thermal exchange and improved resistance to freezing. Built with few components for easy maintenance. Includes a second filter, which can be change without dismantling and provides increased protection from polluted air. For dive centers, a numbered sticker can be used to identify the regulator, easing the renting and tracking process. Avoid water retention with the open yoke screw. The dust cap adjacent to the body protects the yoke inlet fittings against shocks. 2nd stage The unique Comfobite mouthpiece, with patented roof of mouth bridge, reduces jaw fatigue. The removable and reusable clip facilitates quick and easy mouthpiece changes. With few components and easy access to the exhaust valve through a clipped deflector, maintenance is easy. The in-line Venturi knob offers effective and progressive adjustments using an ergonomic design for easy manipulation, even with gloves. The polyurethane purge cover offers significant abrasion- and tear-resistance, protects from shocks, allows for easy water purging, and decreases inhalation effort. Side openings prevent free flow when facing into currents or riding a scooter. Reinforced polycarbonate makes the second stage stronger. The Deflector splits up bubbles to decrease noise and protect the valve from expiration.
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