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EGP 2,000

Roche Accu-Chek Go Blood Glucose Meterجهاز قياس سكر الدم

Downtown Cairo, Cairo
17 hours ago
TypeOther Medical Equipment
Payment OptionCash
Roche Accu-Chek Go The Roche Accu-Chek Go is a clinically validated blood glucose meter. Measurements are normally taken from the finger but alternative site testing is allowed and it is intended for both professional use and self-measurement. Features: - Fast test time test takes approximately 5 seconds. - Accurate1 testing Only a small 1.5?L blood sample. - Capillary fill function. For fast easy blood application. - Expired test strip warning - Alarm clock function reminding you to test - Target range indicator. A warning indicator that will flag when a result is outside the target range. Hygienic test strip ejector. The test strip ejector helps to avoid the handling of used test strips. 300 test memory with time and date so you can analyse results. - Discreet ergonomic design allows this meter to fit comfortably in the palm of the hand. - Larger buttons allow for easy scrolling. Specifications: - Memory capacity- 300 results with date & time. - 7, 14 and 30 day test averages. - Alarms: 4 selectable alarm times. - Underdosing detection - Re-dosing is possible within 15 seconds - Meter set up: Standard and quick set-up - Buttons: Three: two arrow buttons for easy scrolling one ON/OFF button. - Test measurement principle: Photometric measurement of the intensity of the colour formed in the reaction. Then conversion to the corresponding glucose concentration. - Measuring time: Approximately 5 seconds. - Hypo warning: Target range warning (2 thresholds). - Calibration coding: Via code chip. - Battery: One 3-volt coin cell battery (CR2032) pre-installed. Battery life: Approximately 1000 readings or 1 year (based on 3 daily readings) - Auto power: Auto-on through strip insertion Auto-off through eject function. Meter shuts off 60 or 90 seconds after last interaction - Strip expiry warning with time and date programmed. - Strip ejector for hygienic disposal of used test strips. - Acoustic mode can be turned on by user. - Flagging of results to indicate special occasions e. g. AST and quality control tests. - Measuring range: 0.6-33.3 mmol/L - Storage conditions: -25?C to +70?C without battery -10?C to +50?C with battery - System operating temperature: +10?C to +40?C - Display: liquid crystal display (LCD) with icons - Relative humidity operating range: Less than 85% relative humidity - Operating altitude: Sea level to 4000 m - Meter dimensions: 102 x 48 x 20 mm - Meter weight: Approximately 57 g with battery - The result is automatically stored with time and date in the memory.
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