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EGP 4,000

Samson SR 950

Nasr City, Cairo
5 hours ago
This “professional studio reference headphone” – as Samson describes it – looks pretty generic. The finish is mediocre and plasticky, yet the structure and component parts are sturdier than expected at the price. In fact, when you first buy it, it grips your head more tightly than you’d hope. Happily, after a few weeks things settle down…This closed-back design clamps your head rather than loosely sitting over it. Its earcups are large, and have 50mm diameter transducers inside – larger than most at this price. It’s aث so-called ‘self-adjusting’ cradle-type design with a wire top frame and a separate headband below, which settles down onto the top of your head when the cups are correctly placed. These are trimmed in vinyl and the earpads are the seventies ‘velour’ type, which is less sweaty than the vinyl some rivals use. Samson SR 950
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