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EGP 2,000

Samsung Super Fast Wireless Charger Duo كسر زيرو

Hadayek al-Ahram, Giza
6 hours ago
TypePower Banks
Interface: USB Type-C output Wireless charger : 15W riginal Samsung Super Fast wireless charger Duo with a maximum charging power of 15W. Supplies up to two devices at the same time with the energy they need. For compatible Apple devices, it offers 7.5W of fast wireless charging. Wireless charger Duo is compatible with USB PD and AFC travel adapters. The right side is only compatible with Galaxy Watch (Active 1 or later models) and Galaxy Buds products. An integrated fan cooling system prevents overheating, high temperatures, and humidity. The LED light keeps you informed about the charging status of your device. Slim and compact design of this wireless charger fits great everywhere. Samsung wireless charger Duo is compatible with all Qi-enabled devices.
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