original Price 40,000$ without customs or duties or value add Tax (2,000,000 EGP from abroad)
Sony DVW-M2000P Digital Betacam Studio VTR with Playback of Digi-Beta, Beta SP, Beta SX, MPEG IMX, and Betacam
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Sony DVWM2000
Sony DVW-M2000 Digital Betacam Studio VTR with Playback of Digi-Beta, Beta SP, Beta SX, MPEG
Sony DVWM2000p
The Sony DVW-M2000 is a studio Digital Beta VTR that replaces the ubiquitous DVW-A500. The unit is lighter in weight, consumes less energy and offers greater head-life than the previous model. The deck plays back Betacam, Beta SP, Beta SX, MPEG IMX and of course Digital Betacam.
Mastering and Distribution Format
The DVW-M2000 is the studio player/recorder for the high-quality Digital Betacam format. This format is the highest quality standard definition acquisition format available. It is commonly utilized as a final mastering format and the format preferred for distribution and broadcast transmission. In addition to the amazing quality of video, the deck gives the user full access to 4 channels of uncompressed digital audio.
Integrate with HDTV Content
The deck has been designed to integrate standard definition material to the expanding world of HDTV. With an optional board, the BKMW-104/1, the deck can up-convert standard definition content to either 1080i or 720p high-definition formats.
Tape Libraries Remain Viable
DVW-M2000 is fully capable of playing back the entire family of Sony professional 1/2-inch tape formats. Extensive back catalogs of stock footage, news content, and even contemporary standard definition programming can be efficiently used with one piece of equipment. And the inclusion of the HDTV upconverter can take decades-old material and make it usable for 21st century programming.