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EGP 1,000

ThermoPro TP03 Kitchen Thermometer

Glim, Alexandria
4 days ago
TypeCooking Equipment
Payment OptionCash
High accuracy: The probe thermometer features 3.9 inches food grade stainless steel probe with high precise sensor which gets temperature readings in just 3 to 5 seconds and its tolerance is around 0.5 degree Celsius Backlit function: Thanks to its backlight design, you can easy to get the temperature readings even in dim light condition; The smoker thermometer turns off automatically if idle for 10 minutes Just flip out the probe and with one simple press on the pop-up button, the instant-read thermometer starts reading the temperature; Wipe the food probe with wet cloth easily after every use Flexible placement: The foldable probe design makes the grill thermometer can be stored in drawer or attached to the stove or grill thanks to the magnet on its back, or hung with the hook as you like in the kitchen ThermoPro deep-frying thermometer, your reliable choice: The wide temperature range is from -50 to 300 degree Celsius which let the thermometer can be used in not only in kitchen for BBQing, grilling, oil deep frying, but home brewing, candy or chocolate or yogurt or jam making, etc
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