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Townhouse for sale, fully finished, 3 rooms, 10% down payment, immediate delivery in Mostaqbal City, benefit from a 40% cash discount 0
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EGP 14,457,871

Townhouse for sale, fully finished, 3 rooms, 10% down payment, immediate delivery in Mostaqbal City, benefit from a 40% cash discount

Mostakbal City, Cairo
3 hours ago
TypeTown House
Area (m²)218
Payment OptionCash or Installment
Completion statusReady
Delivery Date11
Delivery TermFinished
BalconyBuilt in Kitchen AppliancesPrivate GardenSecurityCovered ParkingPets AllowedPoolElectricity MeterNatural GasLandlineElevator
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Montenapoleone Mostakbal City Compound services Reportage Real Estate Company presented its project on an integrated basis and made it enjoy many features that included all its needs and provided the elements of a luxurious life in addition to modern designs and all the features of the smart city were embodied in the services are: The green area expanded by 74% of the construction and buildings percentage. It provides stunning and spacious gardens and landscapes. It offers parks and venues for private and public parties. It provides various sports fields for all sports in a professional manner. Availability of international schools at the highest level and an integrated educational system. There are the most famous international restaurants and cafes. Availability of places of worship. Huge mall and shops. There are specialized swimming pools suitable for all ages. Medical centres, clinics and pharmacies operate around the clock. There is a gym for men and a gym for women. Providing public facilities of the highest quality and their permanent maintenance. Garages and spacious spaces for cars.
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