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Townhouse Middle For sale  with 5% down payment and installments over 8 years, Wall by wall with Hassan Allam and Mazar in Mostakbal City 0
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EGP 16,500,000

Townhouse Middle For sale with 5% down payment and installments over 8 years, Wall by wall with Hassan Allam and Mazar in Mostakbal City

Mostakbal City, Cairo
4 hours ago
TypeTown House
Area (m²)165
Payment OptionCash or Installment
Completion statusOff-plan
BalconySecurityWater MeterElevator
Mostakbal City - Wall by wall with Hassan Allam and Mazar Townhouse 5% down payment, installments over 8 years Area :165 sqm Delivery 3 years Core &Shell Down payment: 825,000 EGP Total price: 16,500,000 EGP ________________________________________ Compound Features: - The compound provides tranquility, privacy and security for its residents. - Recreational spaces and large green areas. - Modern designs for real estate units to suit all tastes. - Wide streets and wonderful designs for the compound facades. ________________________________________ Blue Reef for Real Estate and Investment is a leading real estate company in Egypt and the Middle East, offering comprehensive advice to buyers. With a team of professionals, we provide a full service for sales, leasing, and investment in commercial, residential, and administrative projects by covering all destinations. We offer a wide range of services in collaboration with the best developers, constantly striving to meet the needs of both customers and investors, focusing on achieving their real estate goals through our
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