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Twin house for sale, The Crown compound 0
1 / 9
EGP 19,000,000
/ EGP 15,000,000 Down Payment

Twin house for sale, The Crown compound

The Crown, 6th of October
3 days ago
TypeTwin House
Price TypePrice
Down Payment15,000,000
Area (m²)258
Payment OptionInstallment
Completion statusReady
VideoNot Available
Virtual TourNot Available
land area: 312m built area: 260m with installments 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, living room, reception down payment: 15.000. 000 / inst 4.000. 000 EGP The Crown Compound 6 October, is unique in its strategic location in the heart of 6th of October City, amid various investment activities and all services and facilities. For all nature lovers, the largest area of The Crown project has been allocated to landscapes and landscaped gardens. You can also enjoy looking at the artificial lakes and the dancing fountains with their calm turquoise waters soothing the eyes inside The Crown Project. A wide variety of swimming pools in a variety of spaces to suit all ages in The Crown. The architectural designs are of high quality and conform to international specifications and conditions, as all the interior units are characterized by their unique view of the surrounding landscapes from all sides at The Crown 6 October. The Crown Palm Hills has been fully secured at the highest level by assigning well-trained security crews to guard entrances and exits and installing modern surveillance cameras everywhere. Available Services within The Crown Palm Hills The real estate developer always strives to provide everything that makes life inside The Crown Palm Hills ideal and enjoys more privacy and has all amenities and luxury, and this is achieved by providing it with many basic and endless entertainment services that can be used on a wide scale, the most important of which are: You can eat the best dishes and the finest types of drinks without the need to leave The Crown compound, as there is 88 Street inside which has a group of restaurants and cafes offering integrated services.
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