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Twinhouse 185sqm  Second Row Lagoon In Azha 0
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EGP 20,000,000

Twinhouse 185sqm Second Row Lagoon In Azha

Azha, Ain Sukhna
4 hours ago
TypeTwin house
Area (m²)185
Payment OptionCash
Completion statusReady
BalconyBuilt in Kitchen AppliancesPrivate GardenGymPoolElectricity MeterWater MeterElevator
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Twinhouse for sale in Azha, Al Ain Al Sokhna TwinHOUSE MIDDLE BUA:185SQM GARDEN :155 SQM CONTAINS: 3BEDROOMS 3 BATHROOMS Fully finished with AC's & kitchen cabins Fully Furnished TOTAL PRICE:( 20,000,000 L. E) Azha in Sokhna offers a wide range of facilities and amenities that cater to the needs of its residents. These amenities include: - Private Beaches: Azha in Sokhna features private beaches that provide a perfect spot for residents to relax and enjoy the crystal clear waters of the Red Sea. - Swimming Pools: The project features several swimming pools, including a kids' pool, an infinity pool, and a heated pool. - Spa and Wellness Center: Azha in Sokhna has a state-of-the-art spa and wellness center that offers a variety of treatments to help residents relax and rejuvenate. - Sports Facilities: The project features several sports facilities, including tennis courts, a football pitch, and a basketball court. - Clubhouse: The project features a clubhouse that provides residents with a place to socialize, relax, and enjoy the stunning views of the Red Sea. - 24/7 Security: Azha in Sokhna is a gated community that provides 24/7 security to ensure the safety and privacy of its residents.
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