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Very distinctive apartment 143 meters within Compound Capital Garden Future 0
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EGP 5,250,000

Very distinctive apartment 143 meters within Compound Capital Garden Future

Capital Gardens, Mostakbal City
17 hours ago
Area (m²)143
Payment OptionInstallment
Completion statusReady
Built in Kitchen AppliancesPrivate GardenSecurityCovered ParkingPets AllowedElectricity MeterWater MeterNatural GasLandline
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Apartment 143 meters 2 Master Bedroom Extra bathroom 2 Rustion Kitchen Location: The sports city is located within 13 km distance of the compound. European University is 18 kilometers away. German University is 22 km away from Capital Gardens. The new administrative capital is within 24 km distance of Capital Gardens Compound. Capital Gardens International Airport near Capital Gardens. The Olympic city is about 38 km away from the compound. Palm Hills Katameya Compound is located within 31 km from Capital Gardens. Palm Hills New Cairo is 22 km from the compound. My city is also near Sunrise. The fifth gathering is only 20 minutes away. Features: Large green spaces in a range of parks and parks. Swimming pools are different spaces and also suitable for different age groups. Sports stadiums are as different as having football, basketball and tennis fields. See you dedicated to running and cycling away from car routes. A huge commercial mall with many shops for the world's newest bonds. Supermarkets provide all local and imported food products. A social club offering many cultural and recreational activities to the Cambodian population. A health club with sauna and jacuzzi is also equipped with the latest technology. Fire fighting systems to maintain owners at Capital Gardens Future City. A special area for restaurants and cafés within the future Capital Gardens compound. Jim is a top-level athlete who also includes the latest sports apparatus. A special parking garage and also a high security level. Children's entertainment venues equipped with all the toys and secured at the highest level. Party venues and all necessary equipment. Integrated drinking water and sewage and natural gas systems. Generators operate in case of power outage. Internet service as well as integrated communication network. Surveillance cameras cover all over the compound all day. 24-hour security and security at Capital Gardens. A 24-hour pharmacy equipped with medicines and medical supplies.
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