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EGP 50

Viewfinder rubber Eye Cup

Heliopolis, Cairo
2 weeks ago
TypeOther Item
Compatibility: It is designed for Nikon D3400 D3500 D3200 D5100 D5200 D5300 D5500 D5600 D5000 D3300 D3100 D3000 Digital Camera. Fit on your camera well, replace your lost, damaged or broken eyepiece. Functions: DK-25 Eyecup can prevent moisture/fog from the eyepiece, easy to view. Installed on the outside of the eyepiece to effectively avoid stray light from entering. Also, can protect the camera eyepiece and keep the camera viewfinder away from dust, scratches. Material: DK-25 eyepiece is made of ABS plastic material, covered with soft rubber for comforting and protecting your eyes while shooting. Friendly to Glasses Wearer: Provide cushioning around the camera’s eyepiece, pretty useful for eyeglass wearers. Also useful for others to keep the tip of the nose from touching the camera screen. Package Includes: DK-25 Eyepiece
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