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Villa directly on the sea in an exclusive location on the coast 0
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EGP 50,000,000

Villa directly on the sea in an exclusive location on the coast

Ras Al Hekma, North Coast
11 hours ago
TypeStand Alone Villa
Area (m²)320
Payment OptionInstallment
Completion statusOff-plan
SecurityPets Allowed
A villa directly on the sea in the plage project from Mountain View in Sidi Abdel Rahman, next to Hacienda Bay Villa area: 320 m  Division: 5 rooms  Cash required: 2,500,000 EGP After 3 months, 2,500,000 EGP  The rest is paid in installments over the longest repayment period  For more details  Phone & WhatsApp  (View phone number) Raed is booking in the first phase now  The Plage Mountain View project is distinguished by its inability to achieve this and has attracted the attention of many investors looking for an elegant and unique coastal place due to the company’s announcement of it, on top of which is its distinguished location and the distinction of Al-Taybeh Company. The designs are characterized by luxury and elegance. The largest engineering companies with experience in this field were employed to put the finest touches to move the international tourist villages. Plage Sidi Abdel Rahman is located close to many other coastal destinations such as: Hacienda Bay Hacienda White Hills Hacienda Red Anchors Seychelles Bianchi
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