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Villa for sale in Al Rabwa Sheikh Zayed with a view and a distinguished location on the golf course 0
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EGP 25,000,000

Villa for sale in Al Rabwa Sheikh Zayed with a view and a distinguished location on the golf course

Al Rabwa, Sheikh Zayed
1 week ago
TypeStand Alone Villa
Area (m²)680
Payment OptionCash
Completion statusReady
Compound: Al Rabwa - Sheikh Zayed Type: Detached Villa - For Sale Condition: Super Lux Finishing Land Area: 680 m Building Area: 310 m Consists of Ground Floor: - Reception 3 pieces - Bathroom - Kitchen - Nanny's room with bathroom - Bedroom First Floor: - 3 rooms including a master room with dressing and bathroom - 2 rooms between them a bathroom - Open view - Office kitchen Asking Price for Sale: 25,000,000 million pounds - - Al Rabwa Real Estate Developer: Al Rabwa Sheikh Zayed Compound is implemented by Talaat Moustafa Real Estate Development Company, which has more than 50 years of experience in achievements, as it was established in 1980 AD. The company that owns the Al Rabwa Sheikh Zayed project has developed more than 33 million square meters of land in various parts of the Arab Republic of Egypt. The company has delivered more than 910 thousand residential units with super deluxe finishes - Features and services of Al Rabwa Sheikh Zayed project: Parking: Each villa includes its own garage. Golf: There are large golf courses within Al Rabwa Sheikh Zayed project equipped with golf cars to facilitate movement around the project. Lake: Al Rabwa Zayed Compound has been equipped with a huge crystal lake with a length of 80 square meters and a width of 30 square meters. Maintenance services: Providing technicians specialized in repairing various types of malfunctions and maintaining facilities.
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