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Villa for sale in New Sohag compound B_ GARDEN 0
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EGP 9,250,000

Villa for sale in New Sohag compound B_ GARDEN

New Sohag, Sohag
1 day ago
TypeStand Alone Villa
Area (m²)260
Payment OptionCash or Installment
Completion statusReady
Private GardenSecurityCovered ParkingPoolElectricity MeterWater MeterNatural GasLandline
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Villa for sale in New Sohag compound B_ GARDEN "Invest in your future with bee garden! There is no view of the New Sohag Airport, special introductions and payment plans up to 8 years. " Your dream villa in the new Bay Garden in Sohag, a place that combines luxury and comfort with multiple spaces * Services and benefits available in the compound. * Residential units (apartments _ villas) with various spaces * Madras international * The largest commercial mall * Medical Complex * Club house * The largest landscape area * A privileged location on the airport road with the western axis 60 and 4 main axes * Multiple entertainment services within the compound * An integrated project on an area of 250 acres * Security and security services and intelligent surveillance systems * Swimming pools inside the compound * A club inside the compound is available sports games-cafes-restaurants About New Sohag One of the leading ABC real estate branches in the field of real estate development in Egypt
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