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EGP 48,500

VR headset Valve Index VR

Madinaty, Cairo
2 weeks ago
Price TypeNegotiable
VR headset by valve The Index is a second-generation headset and the first to be fully manufactured by Valve. The headset features dual 1440 x 1600 LCDs with full RGB per pixel and ultra-low persistence global backlight illumination (0.330 ms at 144 Hz). It includes dual-element canted Fresnel lenses and provides a combined resolution of 2880 x 1600. The panels are full RGB and support refresh rates of 80, 90, 120, or 144 Hz. Available Ports The Index Headset requires that your system has the following ports available: • 1 x DisplayPort 1.2+ for headset display • 1 x USB 3.0+ for headset cameras
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