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EGP 2,800

Wilson Jounir Tennis racket GOLD Roland Garros Elite 25 Kit 25

New Cairo, Cairo
7 hours ago
TypeTennis & Racquet Sports
junior players heading to the courts can have everything they need all in one thanks to the Roland-Garros Elite Ki Tennis Included in the kit is a 25″ Roland-Garros themed racket, water bottle, two Tennis Balls, and a full racket cover with an adjustable strap. Inspired design derived from the grand French Open Tennis tournament, the Roland-Garros Elite 25 Tennis racket is a great starter racket for those wanting to learn the game. Made up of lightweight materials, this racket is great for learning how to develop swings and hit each shot with confidence. A bumper guard protects the top of the racket, which will allow the racket to last longer. Comes pre-strung so young players can begin using once they reach the courts. Head (sq cm) 612 Head (sq in) 95 Length (cm) 63.5 Length (in) 25 String Pattern 16×17 Strung balance (cm) 32 Strung balance (pts) +0 Strung weight (grams) 225 Strung weight (ounces) 7.94 Taper System (mm) 20 mm RG Unstrung balance (cm) 31 Unstrung balance (pts) -2 Unstrung weight (grams) 210 Unstrung weight (ounces) 7.41
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