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With a 5% down payment and installments up to 10 years, Townhouse Corner developed by Misr Mostakbal City SCENES Mostakbal City 0
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EGP 18,500,000

With a 5% down payment and installments up to 10 years, Townhouse Corner developed by Misr Mostakbal City SCENES Mostakbal City

Green Square, Mostakbal City
6 hours ago
TypeStand Alone Villa
Area (m²)185
Payment OptionCash or Installment
Completion statusReady
BalconyPrivate GardenSecurityCovered ParkingPets AllowedPoolElectricity MeterWater MeterNatural GasLandline
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Own with Tatweer Misr in its newest project, Wall in Wall, with Hassan Allam and Sabbour Villa at the lowest price in Egypt and installments up to 10 years (villa compounds only) ** Scenes Tatweer Misr Compound ** Townhouse Corner: 185 metres Ground (reception - guest bathroom - kitchen - terrace) First (2 master rooms_terrace) Second (2 additional bedrooms - bathroom - terrace) With down payments starting from 5% And installments up to 10 years without interest *************************** SCENES Compound is located in SCENES Mostakbal City Wall within wall with the first educational city. Sur in Sur with Hassan Allam and Sabour. The compound is located close to the Suez Road and the Ring Road. The compound can be reached from Cairo Airport and the Administrative Capital. ** SCENES Compound also offers many services It is located on an area of ​​​​100 acres, a complete project with villas only, with the largest green spaces and landscaping • Swimming pools, restaurants and cafes. • Sports fields and running tracks. • Clubhouse and areas designated for children. • Parking garages and 24-hour security. ******************************** For more details contact: (View phone number)
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