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With Hyde Park, receive immediately a fully finished villa of 370 square meters in the heart of the Fifth Settlement 0
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EGP 13,000,000

With Hyde Park, receive immediately a fully finished villa of 370 square meters in the heart of the Fifth Settlement

5th Settlement, New Cairo
7 hours ago
TypeStand Alone Villa
Area (m²)370
Payment OptionCash
Completion statusReady
Delivery TermFinished
Covered ParkingPets AllowedElectricity Meter
Direct on 90th Street, own a fully finished villa and immediate delivery In Hyde Park, Fifth Settlement - Hyde Park Standalone Villa Independent Villa Immediate delivery + ultra super deluxe finishing Its area is 370 m Divided into: Basement + Ground + First + Roof 5 rooms 4 bathrooms Where the Hyde Park project is distinguished by a strategic location in New Cairo: Next to AUC, the American University Directly on 90th Street Near the Administrative Capital Near Cairo International Airport There is also a garden with an area of ​​​​600 square meters of the total project area, One of the largest parks in New Cairo, Which ensures living in a healthy green environment It includes jogging and walking paths amidst the picturesque natural scenery. And many other services that provide you with all means of comfort and security With 13 million down payment and the rest in convenient installments without interest For details, call me on phone or WhatsApp on (View phone number)
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