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Receive now your apartment fully finished with air conditioners in Village West Compound in the finest project in the heart of Zayed next to Hyper One 0
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EGP 6,700,000

Receive now your apartment fully finished with air conditioners in Village West Compound in the finest project in the heart of Zayed next to Hyper One

Village West Compound, Sheikh Zayed
6 hours ago
Area (m²)164
Payment OptionCash
Completion statusReady
Apartment for sale finished with air conditioners  In Village West Compound in the heart of Zayed, next to Hyperwan Area 164 m (3 rooms + reception + kitchen + bathroom) Contact Us  Mobile: (View phone number)#(+(View phone number) WhatsApp directly through wa. me/(View phone number) The most important features of Village West Dorra Compound Unique advantages of the project Village West: One of the most important features is the distinctive geographical and strategic location, which is close to the most important roads and major projects in the region in Village West Dorra. The buildings and constructions of the project are designed according to the latest modern international designs, as the real estate developer has hired a French engineering company inside Village West Sheikh Zayed. The wide green spaces surrounding Village West Sheikh Zayed Compound and the water bodies next to the dancing water fountains designed in a wonderful modern way, as they give the compound a wonderful civilized view. The residential units are delivered on a fully finished system with the latest air conditioners attached to them in Village West Sheikh Zayed.
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