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In the best location, own a 5-room apartment with UC Company in front of the Diplomatic District in the New Capital 0
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EGP 8,000,000

In the best location, own a 5-room apartment with UC Company in front of the Diplomatic District in the New Capital

New Capital City, Cairo
1 day ago
Area (m²)195
Payment OptionCash or Installment
Completion statusReady
With UC Company, own an apartment in the first residential golf compound in (R-8) in the New Capital Soli Golf Residence Compound Own a 195 m apartment with a view of green spaces 5 rooms 4 bathrooms Reception Kitchen With 10% down payment and the rest of the amount with payment facilities There are more than one payment system, choose the one that suits you And the cash discount is a catch Where Suli Golf Compound is located in the heart of the R8 area in the New Administrative Capital On two main streets In front of a 5-star hotel and an international university In front of the main services area and the main entrance from DOPLOMATIC AREA The project is characterized by a building ratio of 20% as the population density is low At a rate exceeding 40% of the normal rate for the area And 80% is allocated for more green spaces and water bodies There is the largest golf area within the compound on an area of ​​​​4 acres As it allows most units The project has a direct view of open spaces that are not less than 30 meters and reach 360 meters, which guarantees the highest percentage of privacy for all project units. And because your comfort is important to us, we have provided you with integrated services inside the Suli Golf Compound. • Swimming pools • Mosque • Shopping mall • Gym • Spa • Jacuzzi • Sports games area And many other services For more details, call me on (View phone number)
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