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At a snapshot price. . 170 sqm apartment for sale in installments in Nasr City, Al-Waha District, in the Sky Roof Mini Compound. 0
EGP 1,020,000

At a snapshot price. . 170 sqm apartment for sale in installments in Nasr City, Al-Waha District, in the Sky Roof Mini Compound.

Nasr City, Cairo
11 months ago
Area (m²)170
Payment OptionCash
Completion statusReady
Delivery Date7
A better opportunity, catch it or don't catch it. . Why? . . Because you will live in a mini compound, and where? In Nasr City. . It also has all the means of entertainment and safety. There will be a football field, a swimming pool, a Kids Area, and a cafeteria above your building, and all of this serves the residents of the building. What is special is the price per meter and the wonderful location in Nasr City, close to all roads, services, and new cities The project is a mini-compound consisting of 9 buildings, 2 basements, each tower with an area of ​​the entire project. The project consists of a ground floor and 11 floors. The ground floor is all brand stores, and the first floor is administrative, and this has a separate entrance from the residential apartments. Apartment areas are 170 meters and 175 meters There are a limited number remaining All apartments have a direct view on the main street What is special about the Sky Roof project? Because each sign has 2 juniors Each tower has a five-a-side court, a pool area, and cafeterias on top of it The apartment's area is very special: 170 square meters Down payment required = 1,020,000 pounds only The remaining 60% of the apartment price will be paid in installments over the best interest-free payment period Your installments are monthly or every three months. There is nothing better than that For more details, contact us by calling, or via WhatsApp, so we will be honored to communicate with you. #Apartment for sale in Nasr City, Al-Waha District, Sky Roof Mini Compound
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