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town house corner 227m prime location open view , palm hills new cairo 0
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EGP 19,970,000

town house corner 227m prime location open view , palm hills new cairo

Palm Hills New Cairo Compound, New Cairo
3 days ago
TypeTown House
Area (m²)227
Payment OptionInstallment
Completion statusReady
Private GardenSecurityCovered ParkingPets AllowedPoolElectricity MeterWater MeterNatural GasLandline
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Palm hills new cairo  Town house  (corner) Bua: 227 Land : 191 3 bedroom  Delivery date: after 3 months Core and shell   Dp:15,600,000 Total price: 19,970,000 LOCATION OF PALM HILLS PROJECT NEW CAIRO Palm Hills lies in the heart of New Cairo in the Fifth Settlement, a 15-minute drive away from the American University in Cairo, and only 5 minutes away from the New Administrative Capital. The Fifth Settlement includes financial, administrative and commercial centers serving the city. The compound is surrounded by many international schools, universities and hospitals. The Fifth Settlement is considered one of the fastest growing areas in Egypt, boasting a cluster of magnificent villas and mansions that are designed in Roman, Islamic, Pharaonic and modern architectural styles.
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