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Townhouse Corner Ready To Move In Cleopatra Palace In front of Madinaty Gate 2 0
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EGP 10,200,000

Townhouse Corner Ready To Move In Cleopatra Palace In front of Madinaty Gate 2

Cleopatra Palace, Shorouk City
2 days ago
TypeTown House
Area (m²)328
Payment OptionCash or Installment
Completion statusReady
BalconyBuilt in Kitchen AppliancesPrivate GardenSecurityCovered ParkingMaids RoomPets AllowedPoolElectricity MeterWater MeterNatural Gas
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Own your unit now in Cleopatra Palace Compound, El Shorouk Cleopatra Palace El Shorouk  Townhouse Corner Immediate delivery  - Bua: 328 m - Land area: 574 m - Garden area: 475 m - Swimming pool, private garage Distinctive internal division (4 master bedrooms) Located directly on the main Suez Road, in front of Gate No. 2 Madinaty, next to the Administrative Capital and New Heliopolis City, near the Fifth Settlement Gate and Rehab City El Shorouk Palace Compound provides facilities services that provide high-end housing services, quality residential facilities, basic and recreational components (24-hour security, various medical services, Skip Land, swimwear, sports club and health club, for walking and cycling, an area and another for grill restaurants, providing comprehensive comprehensive for children, gardens, areas Commercial and other distinguished services) To inquire about details and schedule installments, call us on: (View phone number) Phone + WhatsApp The real estate developer of Cleopatra Palace Compound, El Shorouk, is Cleopatra Group Developments, one of the development companies in Egypt and the Arab world, and is distinguished by its extensive experience in the field of real estate
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