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Twin house 3000 m land 337 m under market price view landscape palm hills new cairo 0
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EGP 19,000,000

Twin house 3000 m land 337 m under market price view landscape palm hills new cairo

Palm Hills New Cairo Compound, New Cairo
15 hours ago
TypeTwin House
Area (m²)300
Payment OptionCash
Completion statusReady
SecurityCovered ParkingPoolElectricity MeterWater MeterNatural GasLandline
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For Sale    ------------------- Compound: Palm Hills new Cairo Type:Twin Houes  BUA: 300 m Land: 337 m Roof: 88m 5: bedroom  5: bathroom  Semi finished Total price: 19,000,000  * Delivered ##Location of Palm Hills Compound and the Most Important Landmarks Nearby Palm Hills Compound is located in a wonderful strategic location in New Cairo, close to the services that its residents need such as schools, universities, malls and major shops, in an upscale area near Madinaty and one of the most famous compounds in New Cairo It is located close to famous roads such as: Located near Mountain View iCity 15 minutes away from the American University It is only 10 minutes away from the new administrative capital It is characterized by its proximity to the central ring road, which makes it easy for its residents to get down to the heart of Cairo Close to Suez Road ##Areas of the Residential Units Available in the Palm Hills New Cairo Compound The Palm Hills compound includes a group of residential units in the form of distinctive apartments and villas, with different areas to satisfy all customers and all tastes as follows:
  • Apartments’ areas range between 150 m² and 233 m².
  • Villas with areas ranging between 300 m² and 460 m².
  • ##Designs of Palm Hills Project in the Fifth Settlement
  • Palm Hills New Cairo Compound was designed according to the latest construction and quality standards, as it includes large green spaces that guarantee privacy, calm and fresh air, and there are public gardens with international designs, water bodies, an international school, a 5-star hotel, a high-level commercial area, and playgrounds for adults and children.
  • The developer offers different residential units that allow the customer to choose the best among them, there are apartments, villas, duplexes and grounds with a garden, in addition to modern homes that are designed in a contemporary engineering design and high-quality materials, and wonderful destinations that provide, luxurious entrances, and excellent electric elevators, in addition to providing a wonderful view of These units allow the residents a distinctive and relaxing view.
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