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Ground duplex and garden in Amwaj Al Ahly Sabbour, North Coast, view, landscape, 500 meters from the sea   Complete with air conditioners 0
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EGP 11,000,000

Ground duplex and garden in Amwaj Al Ahly Sabbour, North Coast, view, landscape, 500 meters from the sea Complete with air conditioners

Amwaj, North Coast
6 days ago
Area (m²)178
Price TypeNegotiable
Payment OptionCash
Completion statusOff-plan
to contact/ tamer elnajjar -------------- Ground duplex and garden in Amwaj Al Ahly Sabbour, North Coast, view, landscape, 500 meters from the sea  Complete with upholstery and air conditioners  --------------------------- Amwaj - Al-Ahly Sabbour  Duplex --- Area: 178 m  Garden 100 meters  --- 3 rooms Nani's room  3 bathroom  ---------------- 11,000,000 required ------------------------------------- about amwaj- For years, Amwaj has established itself as the premier summer destination along the North Coast, offering realms of relaxation and continuous recreation across a pristine 1.5-kilometer stretch of beachfront. With a thriving community of over 10,000 residents and more than 3,800 completed units, AlAhly Sabbour’s vibrant enclave radiates positive energy, enriched by diverse experiences and multifunctional sports courts that come alive at the horizon where the sky meets the sea.   This resort is the best destination for those who want to enjoy the beach in a strategic location and own their beachfront house.
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