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120 sqm chalet for sale in La Vista, Ain Sokhna, Amazing Location 0
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EGP 13,200,000

120 sqm chalet for sale in La Vista, Ain Sokhna, Amazing Location

La Vista 6, Ain Sukhna
18 hours ago
Area (m²)120
Payment OptionInstallment
Completion statusReady
Private GardenGymPoolElectricity MeterWater MeterElevator
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120 sqm chalet for sale in La Vista, Ain Sokhna, Amazing Location  *Receipt 2025 *Fully finished *A very special location at kilometer 142, close to the city of Suez and the city of Zaafarana *The compound includes basic and recreational services (mosque, health and sports club, hotel, restaurants and cafes)  BUA : 120 m -2 bedrooms -2 bathrooms Down payment: 4,620,000 Total price: 13,200,000 To contact: (View phone number) La Vista Village Ain Sokhna is unique in high-end designs that mimic European tourism projects that are characterised by luxury with modern decorations, due to the insistence of the developer company to make this project an architectural masterpiece and an icon of luxury, so it used the best designers and architects, The project was implemented on the high-end Greek thatz, which is characterised by calm colours between white and blue, which is in harmony with the nature surrounding the units of turquoise sea waters, green spaces and golden sand, giving a feeling of comfort and enjoyment
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