- ريسبشن
- الدور: 4
- استلام 2027
- كود العمل: S-0030
مقدم: 880,000 جنيه شامل الأوفر
- أقساط متساوية حتى 2032
اجمالي سعر الوحدة 8,200,000 جنيه أقــل من سعر الشركة بــ 2 مليـون
لمزيد من المعلومات وتحديد موعد الزيارة
- الاتصال بالوكيل على
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عبر الواتساب: https://wa. me/(View phone number)#(2(View phone number)#(View phone number)
للانضمام إلى فريق مبيعات Coldwell Banker New Alex
اتصل بنا على: (View phone number)#(View phone number)/(View phone number)#(View phone number)
80m chalet in the heart of Ras El Hekma in “Seashore” compound by Hydepark - view directly on the lagoon, 2 million less than the company’s price
- Reception
- Floor: 4
- Receipt 2027
- Business code: S-0030
Down payment: 880,000 pounds including the lowest price
- Equal installments until 2032
Total unit price
:8,200,000 pounds
For more information and to schedule a visit
- Contact the agent at
-(View phone number)#(View phone number)/(View phone number)#(View phone number)
Via WhatsApp: https://wa. me/(View phone number)#(2(View phone number)#(View phone number)
To join the Coldwell Banker New Alex sales team
Contact us on: (View phone number)#(View phone number)/(View phone number)#(View phone number)