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Chalet for sale in La Vista 3 Ain Sokhna 0
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EGP 5,100,000

Chalet for sale in La Vista 3 Ain Sokhna

La Vista 3, Ain Sukhna
3 days ago
Area (m²)110
Payment OptionCash
Completion statusReady
Chalet for sale in La Vista 3 Ain Sokhna First floor Area: 110 meters 2 bedrooms 1 bathroom Furnished and equipped Price: 5,100,000 *Features of La Vista 3 Village: La Vista Ain Sokhna 3 Village is a separate village from its predecessors; it is located (150) kilometers from Cairo Governorate, it is considered better than its predecessors in terms of the natural scenery it overlooks, and it is also considered more modern in its style and services, but it agrees with them in being an area of ​​villas and chalets only. *One of the most important features of the village is that it is safe; security and guard services are available around the clock. *The staff is very professional and courteous with owners and tenants. *Green spaces are spread out in an ideal way. *There is a bar on the beach as is the case with Hawaii and the Maldives; to increase the comfort of the guests. *There is a huge supermarket inside the village. Lavista Ray Ain Sokhna Resort is one of the most luxurious and largest tourism projects offered by Lavista Real Estate Investment and Development Company, which was able to combine high-end design and modern life with unparalleled competitive prices within the scope of Ain Sokhna, in addition to the advantages of Lavista Ray and its multiple services that dazzled the whole world, which encouraged customers to invest in it without hesitation.   Miran Darwish
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