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Chalet for sale, lagoon and sea view IlMonteGalala 0
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EGP 5,000,000

Chalet for sale, lagoon and sea view IlMonteGalala

IL Monte Galala, Ain Sukhna
3 days ago
Area (m²)120
Payment OptionCash
Completion statusReady
Chalet for sale, Lagoon View, Sea View, IL Monte Galala Village, Sokhna (Mayesta) First floor Area: 120 meters 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms Price: 5,000,000 Remaining installments: 500,000 Delivery next year Main landmarks of Mayesta El Monte Galala: Mayesta El Monte Galala has a special charm that you will not find anywhere else, and what distinguishes it most are the various activities it provides, If you are a diving fan, you can enjoy the beauty of the depths of the sea and see the unique fish, and if you are a mountain climbing fan, here are the Galala mountain ranges in front of you, you can climb them under the care of specialists and trainers. Mayesta El Galala has a magical view of the mountains and the sea, and the first mountain lake in the world. About Maiesta Monte Galala: Maiesta Monte Galala is a unique opportunity for those who love to enjoy the exceptional beauty of nature, as it has a breathtaking natural beauty in which all the elements of nature blend together to draw a divine creative painting, as you are between the mountains and in front of the sea, which gives you a unique life experience that you will not find in any other village or resort. The charm of the village is similar to the charm of the Italian city of Portofino, with its poetic mountainous character in front of the beach, and the village extends over an area of ​​​​2.24 million square meters, with a beach length of about 1.4 kilometers. Maiesta is about 210 meters above sea level with a 360-degree view of the sea to see it from every side. Location of Myista Monte Galala Sokhna: Tameer Misr Company was keen to choose an ideal location for Monte Galala in Ain Sokhna near Galala City and close to the most important main roads and vital areas, so that you can move easily to and from the village without worrying about the burdens of the road, you can reach Monte Galala through: - The distance between Monte Galala and Cairo is about 110 kilometers, or about an hour and a half. Ahmed Hazem
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