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chalet for sale in La Vista 5, Ain Sokhna        . 0
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EGP 6,000,000

chalet for sale in La Vista 5, Ain Sokhna .

La Vista 5, Ain Sukhna
3 days ago
Area (m²)120
Payment OptionCash
Completion statusReady
chalet for sale in La Vista 5, Ain Sokhna Area: 120 meters, garden 60 meters 2 rooms 1 bathroom Finished with brushes Price: 6,000,000 Location of La Vista Ain Sokhna Village The appropriate location represents one of the strengths of any coastal project, which is what the developing company takes into account so that it can guarantee an integrated and comfortable experience for everyone who is in it. The village is located at kilometer 140 of Ain Sokhna, which is a very essential place that will make the village within walking distance of the most important landmarks. Vital and famous, which ensures that they get all their needs at any time. This location is characterized by its great proximity to the most important roads and main axes that connect the project to all important areas inside Sokhna and elsewhere. On the other hand, the location of the village will allow those in it to enjoy the beauty of the charming nature and obtain an atmosphere characterized by complete comfort and tranquility. Among the most important places near the village are the following: : There is a short distance between the village and Zafarana Road. It will be easy to go to La Vista Sokhna Village from Suez. The village is close to the new city of Galala. The project is considered close to Porto Sokhna and Sokhna Gates. The village is approached from Ain Sokhna Road Facilities and services in La Vista Ain Sokhna Village The village has all the entertainment and service facilities that guarantee a unique experience for those staying in it, as it works primarily to provide comfort and happiness for the residents and to add fun and joy to the times they are in the project. It has also been chosen with great care to suit the needs of customers at the present time, especially those looking for. . . A
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