3 غرف
3 حمام
ريسبشن قطعتين
العدادات كاملة
نصف تشطيب
استلام 2026
كود العمل: A-0254
مطلوب مقدم: 2,100,000 جنيه
اجمالي سعر الوحدة: 5,130,000 جنيه
لمزيد من المعلومات وموعد الزيارة
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عبر الواتساب: https://wa. me/2(View phone number)#(View phone number)
انضم إلى فريق مبيعات Coldwell Banker New Alex
تواصل معنا على: (View phone number)#(View phone number)/(View phone number)#(View phone number)
133 sqm apartment for sale in “Dejoya” compound in New Zayed
3 rooms
3 bathroom
Reception two pieces
The meters are complete
Semi finished
Received 2026
Business code: A-0254
Down payment required: 2,100,000 pounds
Total unit price: 5,130,000 pounds
For more information and visiting times
- Contact the agent on
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Via WhatsApp: https://wa. me/2(View phone number)#(View phone number)
Join the Coldwell Banker Sales Team New Alex
Contact us on: (View phone number)#(View phone number)/(View phone number)#(View phone number)