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Ground floor apartment in the garden in Sheraton, 10% down payment and the rest in annual installments in a fully serviced compound 0
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EGP 10,630,000

Ground floor apartment in the garden in Sheraton, 10% down payment and the rest in annual installments in a fully serviced compound

Sheraton, Cairo
10 hours ago
Area (m²)265
Payment OptionCash or Installment
Completion statusOff-plan
Delivery Date2026
Delivery TermSemi Finished
BalconyPrivate GardenSecurityCovered ParkingMaids RoomPoolElectricity MeterWater MeterNatural GasLandline
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Which is considered one of the strongest real estate development companies and one of the largest construction companies in Egypt, as it has many experiences and it An Egyptian company founded in 1987 with more than 35 years of experience in the real estate market, starting with the Nasr City, Heliopolis, Nozha, and New Nozha buildings, and handing over more than 10,000 customers their residential units. Al-Masria Group headed to Badr City, in the Badr Al-Masria Compound, for immediate delivery and then to. . . October in Beit El Masria Compound in October Gardens, immediate delivery, and Isola October Compound in October in the tourist capital, Al Nawadi Street, receipt. Commercial units start at a price of 15,310,000 pounds. Administrative units start at a price of 21,260,000 pounds Residential units start at a price of 8,510,000 pounds Fury in front of the Zamalek Club, the Police Club, the Judges Club, and last but not least the Sheraton Surprise Isola Sheraton Compound is the first Gated compound in Sheraton on an area of ​​45 acres, villas, townhouses and apartments with a 1.5 km Mega Strip Mall along Al Saqa Street.
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