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Apartment with prime location over looking lake for sale with Installment till 2030 in O-West October 0
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EGP 12,267,756

Apartment with prime location over looking lake for sale with Installment till 2030 in O-West October

O West Compound, 6th of October
10 hours ago
Area (m²)153
Payment OptionInstallment
Completion statusOff-plan
BalconySecurityCovered Parking
Apartment with prime location over looking lake for sale with Installment till 2030 in O-West October Details: • Unit type: Apartment • Built up area: 153 SQM • Number of rooms: 3 • Number of bathrooms: 3 • Prime location • Finishing: Fully finished  • Delivery Date: 2025 • Lake View  • Facing North  • Front View  Financial details: • Total price: 12,267,756 EGP • Down payment: 4,933,356 EGP • Remaining: 7,334,400 EGP till 2030 The O West Orascom project is located in 6th of October City, and this project is considered for people who enjoy a lot of life and luxury. Housing there is different from any other city. You can enjoy the luxury atmosphere and enjoy the time there. The family will live in comfort. The units are designed to the highest level of sophistication and luxury. The project is equipped with the highest level of services that suit all families and their requirements. Residence there cannot be dispensed with because the project is characterized by providing all appropriate services for every individual. Features of O West Compound: -The compound's huge area allows for the construction of many units -The presence of many neighbors of the same social class -A commercial area containing several administrative buildings and a meeting hall called the business area -The types and sizes of units vary between (apartments, townhouses, twin houses, duplexes, and villas) to suit all tastes and needs of customers. -The unique design of the compound, as it resembles the city of El Gouna -The distinguished location of O West Compound in the heart of 6th October City, which will be close to the New Administrative Capital in the future -Easy access to the O West area, due to its distinguished location on several main axes
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