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شقة للايجار الشهري مفروش  Furnished apartment for rent monthly 0
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EGP 25,000

شقة للايجار الشهري مفروش Furnished apartment for rent monthly

Sheraton, Cairo
6 hours ago
Rental FrequencyMonthly
Area (m²)120
Built in Kitchen AppliancesElectricity MeterWater MeterNatural GasLandlineElevator
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شقة للايجار مفروش شهري الشقة مجددة بالكامل من اعمال دهان و كهرباء و تم تغيير الحمام بالكامل حوائط و ارضيات و تقع الشقة في مكان مميز جدا و هو شارع موازي لشارع عبدالحميد بدوي الشارع الرئيسي و ايضا قريبة جدا من المطار تتمتع منطقة شيراتون بتميزها الفريد و هي قربها من جميع الاماكن الحيوية و سهولة التنقل منها لاي مكان نظرا لوجود المواصلات العامة في المنطقة Apartment for rent, furnished monthly. The apartment is completely renovated with painting and electrical work. The bathroom’s walls and floors have been completely changed. The apartment is located in a very special place, which is a street parallel to Abdul Hamid Badawi Street, the main street, and also very close to the airport. The Sheraton area has its unique distinction, which is its proximity to all vital places and the ease of moving anywhere due to the presence of public transportation in the area.
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