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Apartment for sale, two rooms, Viewland Scape, with down payment and installments in Hyde Park Compound, New Cairo 0
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EGP 9,517,200

Apartment for sale, two rooms, Viewland Scape, with down payment and installments in Hyde Park Compound, New Cairo

Hyde Park New Cairo Compound, New Cairo
3 days ago
Area (m²)111
Payment OptionInstallment
Completion statusOff-plan
BalconySecurityCovered ParkingPets Allowed
Apartment for sale, two rooms, Viewland Scape, with down payment and installments in Hyde Park Compound, New Cairo Hyde Park Compound Apartment area: 111 m, consisting of two bedrooms - 3 bathrooms Down payment 1,462,000---Installment 7,721,700 Price: 9,517,200 Hyde Park Compound, Fifth Settlement, New Cairo is located in the most prosperous areas in the heart of New Cairo, specifically in the Fifth Settlement and with a direct view of the 90th Street, which means that you are in the middle of all the important roads and vital areas, which will make your life in Hyde Park the most comfortable and easy. There are many advantages that the location of Hyde Park Compound, Fifth Settlement, enjoys, which are as follows: Residential complexes: The compound is close to many other distinguished residential complexes, most notably: Zed East, Iwan, Mevida. Main roads: It is also close to many main roads, including the Ring Road and overlooks the 90th Street directly. Airports: It is located about 30 km from Cairo International Airport, and is also close to the New Capital Airport.
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