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Apartement for rent in cairo Festival City 0
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EGP 65,000

Apartement for rent in cairo Festival City

Cairo Festival City, New Cairo
17 hours ago
Rental FrequencyMonthly
Area (m²)148
Fully furnished apartment in Cairo Festival Residence - New Cairo   148 mtr  2 bedroom both is master  2 bathroom Air conditioning Fully-Furnished  Brand New  Renting price : 65,000  Cairo Festival City Compound Location The location of Cairo Festival City Compound in the fifth settlement is one of the top privileges added to residents, as the compound is situated in proximity to prestigious vicinity. Top services & Features in Cairo Festival City Compound The level of integration represented in the Cairo Festival City makes it a definitely unique experience for residents; as the city offers services or facilities related to business, education, social community, and leisure and entertainment. Cairo Festival City Compound hosts the campus of the American International School (AIS), providing a promising future for the coming generations residing in the compound. The Automotive Park was constructed over a land of 12,000 Sqm to provide showroom services for the most prominent brands in Egypt. CFC Cairo is ideally designed by top architects who managed to turn vacant space into a state-of-art city through lush greenery areas and magnificent water-based elements. One of the biggest open-air theatres offshoot inside Cairo Festival City to add more levels of entertainment. Daily maintenance services are perfectly provided in the festival living apartments not only for residents but also for the offices to ensure non-stopping and fully-sustained productivity. Cairo Festival Mall is perceived as one of the largest commercial malls in Cairo where world-class brands and stores are operating their businesses
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