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Immediate receipt apartment, fully finished, with air conditioners, 50% down payment and the rest over 6 months, in the Fifth Settlement 0
See 11 photos
EGP 11,380,000

Immediate receipt apartment, fully finished, with air conditioners, 50% down payment and the rest over 6 months, in the Fifth Settlement

La Mirada Compound, New Cairo
6 hours ago
Area (m²)201
Payment OptionCash or Installment
Completion statusReady
Delivery TermFinished
Private GardenSecurityCovered ParkingMaids RoomPets AllowedPoolElectricity MeterWater MeterNatural GasLandlineElevator
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Afaq Company was keen to choose a strategic location for the Amorada New Cairo Compound in the heart of the Fifth Settlement, as the project is located at the beginning of the main 90th Street, in front of Hyde Park, Fifth Settlement, and close to all the main roads. Which means that the compound enjoys flexibility in transportation, and also ensures that the Amorada Fifth Settlement project is close to the most important landmarks of New Cairo, so let us learn more about the places near it It is approximately 10 minutes away from the American University. 15 minutes away from the Administrative Capital. It is located just three minutes away from the Middle Ring Road. Only five minutes away from Galala Road. Amorada apartments are 10 minutes away from Suez and Ismailia Roads. It is close to Al Marasem Fifth Square Compound, Fifth Settlement. Approaching Y City, Fifth Settlement. Green spaces spread throughout the compound. Clubhouse at the highest level. There is a huge commercial area. Storage spaces. A luxurious group of restaurants and cafes. Security, guarding, and surveillance cameras operate 24 hours a day. Maintenance services that work to preserve the splendor and elegance of the compound. 2 gates to the compound; To ensure smooth movement inside it. There is also a swimming pool in the heart of the project. 4 electrical transformers in the compound with an emergency generator. And entertainment areas for children. Medical center and clinics. Elevators with fully imported components. An integrated firefighting system for the compound. A service management headquarters for the compound. A separate entrance will operate the most important international brands
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