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Apartment for Ready To Move  fully finished, in Amorada Compound In the heart of New Cairo-  Prime Location 0
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EGP 7,900,000

Apartment for Ready To Move fully finished, in Amorada Compound In the heart of New Cairo- Prime Location

Amorada Compound, New Cairo
4 hours ago
Area (m²)185
Payment OptionCash
Completion statusReady
BalconySecurityCovered ParkingNatural Gas
• Project name: Amorada | Fifth Settlement. • Developer name: Afaq Real Estate Development Company. • Prime Location. ** Amorada Project: It is one of the most important modern residential projects in New Cairo,     which is characterized by quiet life and wonderful designs. ** Unit specifications: ** Building area: 185 meters. • 3 bedrooms ( master ). • 3 bathrooms. • Large reception. • Kitchen. _______________________________ ** Services and features:  • Green spaces are distributed within Amorada Compound, along with flowers, trees and their distinctive colors. • A group of restaurants and cafes. • A huge commercial area that included many shops and stores that provide the most famous international brands. • Providing a 24-hour security and guarding team to secure the compound. • security cameras . • Garages to park cars and protect them from intruders; It includes a large garage to accommodate a larger number of cars and is equipped with surveillance cameras. • A group of equipped gyms. • Various swimming pools suitable for adults and children. • International cultural club. • A large commercial mall. • Language schools, private and international. •A large pharmacy that includes many types of medicines, both local and imported.  . ______________________________________ ** Location:  • Amorada is located 3 minutes from the Central Regional Road.  • Amorada is 5 minutes away from Galala/Sokhna Road.  • 10 minutes away from the American University in New Cairo.  • Amorada Compound is 10 minutes away from the Administrative Capital Road. ______________________________________ ** Total price: • Price: 7,900,000 pounds. _____________________________________ For more information, contact us on: (View phone number).
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