Apartment for resale 156 m Sawary (Solik) - 7,200,000 EGP cash
Real estate agent Ms. Marwa Sarhan (View phone number)
3 rooms (including a master room) - 3 bathrooms - 3-piece reception
8th floor
Garden view and villas
Delivery within 6 months
Compound features:
Vast green spaces in most areas, fully integrated hotel apartments
Medical services and administrative offices, fully integrated business complex
Sports club, restaurants and cafes complex
A major commercial area and an integrated mall
An international school
Unit code: p250168
Residential apartment for sale Sawary Solik Alexandria
Palmjumeirah Resalstate Sales
To contact us: (View phone number) - (View phone number)
To honor you at the company's headquarters: 234 Abdel Salam Aref Laurent Street, 6th floor