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Apartment for sale with a 5% down payment and installments up to 12 years, fully finished, built in the French style | Immediate receipt 5% down payme 0
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EGP 6,300,000

Apartment for sale with a 5% down payment and installments up to 12 years, fully finished, built in the French style | Immediate receipt 5% down payme

New Garden City, New Capital City
1 week ago
Area (m²)76
Payment OptionCash or Installment
Completion statusOff-plan
Private GardenSecurityCovered ParkingPets AllowedPoolElectricity MeterWater MeterNatural GasLandline
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** Project name: Garden City in the heart of the New Administrative Capital In a new residential     neighborhood known as R5.    • “New Garden City,” the most prestigious residential neighborhood in the Administrative Capital,      on an area of ​​1,000 acres.    • The project was implemented in the old French style to resemble a building implemented in the      downtown area. ** Leading companies: by 9 companies in the field of real estate development, including “Talaat     Mostafa,” “Orascom,”  And “ASG Emirates”, and “Hassan Allam”. *Unit specifications: * Building area:76 meters. -  Bedroom . -  Bathroom . - Large reception. - Kitchen. ________________________________________ **Services and features:  • Green spaces . • Religious services. • Providing a 24-hour security and guarding team to secure the compound. • Dedicated garages for cars. • A group of equipped gyms. • Commercial centers, restaurants and cafes • International cultural club. • Language schools, private and international. _________________________________________  **Type of finishing: Fully finished, Super Lux. __________________________________________ **Location: • The project is located in R5. • Near the Air Defense House. • It is located near the English University of Hertfordshire - the iconic tower and the Green River. __________________________________________ **Total price: -Price: 6,300,000 pounds. -Payment method: 5% down payment. ______________________________________ If interested, contact us on WhatsApp or mobile: (View phone number)
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