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شقه للبيع "دبل فيو " بمدخل خاص وبجوار حسن علام ( تشطيب سوبر لوكس ) في البنفسج 2 0
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EGP 7,500,000

شقه للبيع "دبل فيو " بمدخل خاص وبجوار حسن علام ( تشطيب سوبر لوكس ) في البنفسج 2

El Banafseg 2, New Cairo
11 hours ago
Area (m²)185
Payment OptionCash
Completion statusReady
Apartment for sale "Double View" with a private entrance and next to Hassan Allam (Super Lux finishing) in Banafseg 2  BUA 185 M 3 bedrooms including master  3 bathrooms Reception kitchen Terrace  There is a private terrace  There is a meter, water, gas and electricity  Al Banfsaj neighborhood is one of the most important neighborhoods in the first compound, with its distinctive view of both the northern 90th Street and Youssef El Sebaei Axis. The neighborhood is divided into a villa area and a residential area, and the plots vary between (detached apartments, duplexes, villas, roofs) with various areas starting from 100 square meters and reaching up to 360 square meters.   Violet neighborhood location  It is bordered to the north by the Suez Road and Youssef El Sebaei Axis, and to the south by the Northern Ninety. It is bordered to the west by the Ring Road and Ahmed Shawky Road, and to the east by Mohamed Naguib Axis. - It passes through the Banfsaj area, Sadat Axis.
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