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Clinic 56m with downpayment 10% at North 90 0
See 5 photos
EGP 8,512,000

Clinic 56m with downpayment 10% at North 90

North 90 Street, New Cairo
15 hours ago
Area (m²)56
Price TypeNegotiable
Payment OptionInstallment
Completion statusReady
Covered ParkingStorage
P. OM/AA 3 clinic l For Sale At stride | Artal | New cairo | Direct on north 90 | Delivery 3 Years Location: North 90 | New Cairo Space: 56 sqm  Delivery: 2027  Payment Plan: 10% over 5 years equal installments 20% over 6 Years Equal Installments 30% over 7 years equal installments - Price/m: 152,000 - Total sale price: 8,512,000   * Accessibility * ⁠4 Buildings Community  * ⁠Operational BUA 57,500 sqm * ⁠Layout with international codes * ⁠3 Main entrance  * ⁠2 Underground Parking * ⁠Parking Capacity 660 Car * ⁠Storage Spaces * ⁠Lower Ground * ⁠Ground * ⁠4 Typical Floor * Bank * Showroom * Pharmacy  * medical Center * F&B
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